Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ready to Take Action?

Okay blog viewers, now is the chance for you to take action against a startling proposition. The Federal Communication Commission is considering changing its policy to allow the f-word on television and radio stations during daytime hours when children are watching/listening, and to allow female frontal nudity (which is "non-sexual" apparently) on television. These expletives will only be allowed as "fleeting", thank goodness right, because we all know that as soon as you hear that word or see that image its gone from your mind forever. (Yes, I am being sarcastic). I don't know how anyone could standby and allow this to happen. Without warning, children are going to be exposed to these things while flipping through the channels. And we wonder why kids aren't kids anymore. We throw them into adult situations and expect them to retain their innocence. It surprises me that we would ever even seek to change an "indecency policy". If it was indecent a year ago- its still indecent. Here is the link to the public announcement concerning the change:

FCC Press Release

Just a side note- Since this is a feminist blog, why is it okay to show female frontal nudity? Seriously though. Why are women's bodies chosen to be the allowed image on tv? As if we need to make even more commonplace women's degradation in public. It's disgusting that even though we're all liberalized and "equal" now, we're starting to become even less respected and valued with every passing day. How is allowing female nudity on television going to further society's views of women? It isn't. Feminism was about women being seen as intelligent, capable human beings ready to contribute to society. It was focused on gaining the vote for women, having an intellectual voice among men. It was about having opportunities to express themselves in creative spheres. Women were tired of being their husband's objects. They wanted more of life than having babies. Women craved respect. But now, we're allowing women to be objectified once more. I'm not a man, but I feel safe enough in saying that I don't think a man is thinking about how creative or intelligent women are when women are before them unclothed. So, women (and men!) exercise your voice by resisting this policy change. Don't allow men to decide that the world should be entitled to seeing a nude female on tv, no matter how fleeting the image may be.

Here's how to comment:

1. Go to http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/upload/begin?procName=&filedFrom=X.
2. Enter the code "13-86" in the "Proceeding Number" box and fill out the few remaining required fields.
3. Enter your comment in the text box provided and click "Continue."
4. From there, review your comment and click "Confirm."

Here's a comment template from the American Family Association, which you can copy and paste into the comment box:

I oppose any changes to the current FCC indecency standards that would allow television and radio stations to broadcast expletives and nudity on the public airwaves, even if brief or "fleeting."
The Supreme Court has confirmed the FCC's authority to enforce policies regarding expletives and nudity, especially during times when children are likely to be watching or listening.
Relaxing the current policy would not serve the public interest and I urge the FCC to reject all proposals that would allow for the broadcast of expletives and nudity on FCC-licensed stations.

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