I think that a good way to tell a man's character is how he treats his wife. You can learn a lot about a man by looking at his wife and family. My dad has been married to my mom for 32 years, during which they had three girls. My parents always taught us girls how a man should treat us, but their example was a bigger teacher. They have stood by each other through trials they never could have foreseen, even imagined. The support they offer one another and respect they have has been an incredible example to many. That is the way I grew up judging a man's character, by his actions. I have been surprised and disappointed to read the scathing criticism of Mitt Romney's quote in the third presidential debate as he answered the question about equality for women. As one commentator wrote, "binders full of women" was the "tip of the Romney anti-women iceberg" (CBS opinion, by Bill Buck). I have reflected on this quote wondering my feelings as a feminist. Then I questioned, how can you really know if a politician believes in women's rights? Then I realized, its the same thing I do constantly, I just look at how he treats his wife. So here's a little information for you: Mitt and Ann Romney have been married for 43 years. In that time, Mitt has been a faithful husband and a support for Ann during difficult trials. She was diagnosed in 1998 with Multiple Sclerosis. Mitt described it as the worst day of his life, the day he watched the love of his life fail many neurological tests. He later said, "I couldn't operate without Ann. We're a [wait for it......] PARTNERSHIP. We've always been a partnership so her being healthy and our being able to be together is essential." She later had a scare with breast cancer as well but the cancer was removed and she has had no other trouble. Throughout these difficult times, Mitt has remained faithful and supportive. I would say, his actions speak louder than his words. Seeing what we can behind closed doors in the Romney house, he seems to recognize his wife's importance and they truly show America what it is to work together and find great joy in one another's strengths.
As a counter example, I believe we can look to Bill Clinton, one of the most beloved presidents to this day. Clinton has been long revered as the women's rights president and so forth. I'm a little more skeptical though. Lets take a look at his personal life to see how he really feels. We all know about the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But its not even just the affair that bothers me. Don't get me wrong, an affair is enough, but no, there's more. First he lied to Hillary about it all, convincing her that it was a concocted story from the right-wingers trying to smear his name. I can't think of anything more demeaning than a lying cheater. But really though, he may have allowed Hillary to pursue the professional goals she desired but as far as respecting her as a person or working with his wife in a partnership- that just wasn't happening. He treated her like a distant co-worker, without so much as giving her the decency of being honest. Now moving on to Monica. Lewinsky has since been left to her own devices, a hated woman by America because we still haven't cleared the stigma that its always the woman's fault, always (yes, my favorite topic)- the femme fatale. America goes on loving Clinton, embracing him with a little pat on the wrist for being a boy *playful eye roll*.-boys will be boys ya know. I'm kind of excited for Lewinsky's upcoming tell-all. I think she should speak out about how Clinton , how shall I say... hit it and quit it. He is the one who should have been held responsible by society. He is the one who should have been shunned publicly, because he was her superior! Obviously he doesn't exactly see women as equal people who deserve respect and fair treatment. In our brief glimpse of the Clintons behind the scenes, it is apparent that he doesn't strive for "equal partnership" and an honest relationship. So before we get all upset and start analyzing small phrases said in front of rolling cameras, hot lights, millions of people who either love you or hate you, being grilled by the President of the United States, lets take a step back and analyze the person.
Hit it and quit it? That is legend (wait for it...) Dary! Women want to be treated as equals, yet it is totally acceptable to sleep around and be used by men. Does that make sense to anyone? Boys will be boys, but it takes a real woman to turn a boy into a man. Also, it dawned on me sometime ago that there are tons of words devoted to a woman who sleeps around but there are NO words for a man who sleeps around. Coincidence? I think not. It is time for women to stand up and demand equal treatment and it starts with respect. Respect for themselves, respect for men and demanding respect from men. We're not going to get anywhere until we learn a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T... find out what it means to me!