Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Itsy Bisty Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

I just watched one of the most well articulated speeches about modesty I think I've ever seen. And surprisingly enough, it was given by my childhood hero- a Power Ranger. Jessica Rey was one of the Power Rangers but has now made her own swimsuit line called, "Who says it has to be isty bisty?" Her study of the evolution of the swimsuit, as well as her personal example of modesty, is noteworthy! 
My favorite line in her speech is, "Modesty isn't about hiding ourselves, its about revealing our dignity". Amen Jessica Rey, amen! Here's the video link, enjoy!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"God could not be everywhere, therefore he made Mothers"

Mary Cassatt
An old Jewish proverb goes "God could not be everywhere, therefore he made Mothers". Today is Mother's Day; one day in 365 when children stop to really contemplate the sacrifice of their mothers. The service mothers render to their children is holy and sacred. From the time of conception, women begin to sacrifice for their child- they sacrifice comfort and physique. Then the baby is born (after much much more sacrifice) and more is given. Often women give up careers and personal ambitions for the good of their children, not to mention personal comforts. The first sacrifice of motherhood was made by Eve in the Garden of Eden. She partook of the fruit that enabled her to become mortal and have children, and in consequence to that action was subject to pain and sadness. She left the wonder of the garden to become a mother, multiplying and replenishing the earth. I believe a mother's service to her children is comparable to the service and sacrifice Christ rendered during his time on earth. The picture to the left is one of my all time favorites, a mother and child piece by Mary Cassatt. This piece alludes to the Bible recording of Christ washing the feet of his disciples. Christ served and taught His people while He lived on the earth, and so Mothers serve and teach their children. They teach the love of God by loving. Mothers teach service by serving. Though I am not a mother, I have been served and taught by many strong women in my life. My own mother showed me unconditional love many times in my life, which helped me to understand how my Heavenly Father can love me even when I make mistakes. She has humbly served her family and many many others throughout her life, and to me, her service is holy. No cake pan or breakfast in bed can ever compensate for the sacrifices made, but I hope one day to be just like my mother, for she truly spreads the love of God everywhere she goes. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Attraction: How it has evolved

I just saw this picture and thought it was hilarious. So here's for a little lighthearted feminism...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Again I renew the call for a return to virtue" -Elaine S. Dalton

Two weeks ago, the world had the wonderful opportunity to hear from a Prophet of God and other of God's chosen leaders. The meetings were wonderful. One of my favorite talks was by Sister Elaine S. Dalton, a leader chosen by God to lead the young women's organization. Her talk hit on every point I strive to emphasize here on my blog. Though criticized by "Mormon Feminist Housewives", her talk was sensitive and straightforward in calling for respect of women. Their criticism actually motivated me  review and more carefully study Sister Dalton's, which proved to be a very uplifting and reaffirming experience. Here's my recap and commentary on her talk...

My favorite part of her talk was when she called for a return to virtue. She stated,
"Again I renew the call for a return to virtue. Virtue is the strength and power of daughters of God. What would the world be like if virtue- a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards, including chastity- were reinstated in our society as a most highly prized value? If immorality, pornography, and abuse decreased, would there be fewer broken marriages, broken lives, and broken hearts? Would media ennoble and enable rather than objectify and degrade God's precious daughters? If all humanity really understood the importance of the statement "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father," how would women be regarded and treated?" (emphasis added by me!)
This paragraph is the whole point of my blog. If we as a society based our morals on the belief that women are daughters of God, so much of what I see at the battered women's shelter would disappear, laws would reflect the serious nature of the crimes committed against women. (Sister Dalton may not have necessarily been talking about laws and crimes, but this is my commentary) Sister Dalton's comments reached every concern that is faced by women today- chastity before marriage, domestic violence, sexual assault, pornography. She was criticized by the "Mormon Feminist" group as being insensitive to the victims of sexual assault, yet I believe she has a better understanding of victims than the mormon feminists do. The feminists ridiculed her for using the scripture Moroni 9:9 "And notwithstanding this great abomination of the Lamanites, it doth not exceed that of our people in Moriantum. For behold, many of the daughters of the Lamanites have they taken prisoners; and after depriving them of that which was most dear and precious above all things, which is chastity and virtue-" They claimed that her use of this scripture was insensitive to those who had been raped/ sexually assualted because she was telling them that they had their virtue taken from them. First of all, the scripture states that, not Sister Dalton. Secondly, victims of rape have had their virtue stolen from them; that is what is so evil about the crime. By saying they have not had their virtue taken from them, it is like saying murders have not taken life. I think it is a grave injustice to victims to say they have not had anything taken from them. By not acknowledging this fact, victims are not given a chance to recognize their feelings and heal properly. There is nothing worse than discounting a woman's feelings! Instead of validation and healing, a woman could feel confused about her sense of loss and helpless. In using this scripture, Sister Dalton validates the victims' sense of loss. She sympathizes with them in calling for a renewed recognition of the importance of virtue. If the world understood how precious virtue is, and treated rape as a crime that robs a woman of her sacred virtue, don't you think it would be taken more seriously? Maybe instead of society questioning a rape victim and whispering that she brought it on herself or that she wanted it but just felt guilty afterward, maybe they would stand up for the injustice that it is and prosecute the perpetrator. Now in so saying that a victim's virtue has been taken from her (or him, I sometimes forget to include that men are victims as well), I want to emphasize that she can heal through the atonement of Jesus Christ- not repent, she/he has no need for repenting as it wasn't a sin on their part, but the atonement offers the potential for not only repenting but also for healing. Preach My Gospel states, "All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement". That includes wrongs that were done to us at no fault of our own. Where sexual assault is rampant on the earth today, Worldwide Sexual Assault Statistics claims that 1 in 3 women in the world have been raped or sexually assaulted, Sister Dalton is pointing out that if the world focused on women's virtue, if children were taught from an early age that women were to be respected as daughters of God, this would greatly reduce the rate of violence against women and tolerance for it. Obviously the way we're handling things now isn't lowering the rate of sexual assault and domestic violence. Its time to call for media to "ennoble (I love that concept of an ennobled woman) and enable" women, time for the "wait until marriage" girl or boy to be celebrated instead of mocked, and time to recognize that when you mess with a woman, you won't just have to deal with her father, one day you'll answer to her Heavenly Father. Thank you Sis. Dalton for expressing the Lord's concern for His daughters to the world. Thank you for standing up for our virtue and worth!

For Elaine S. Dalton's full talk see: We Are Daughters of Our Heavenly Father